
The 2022 TechMed Event

Connecting Research & Innovation Frontrunners

Medical technology is moving faster than ever. It is the best solution to make future healthcare accessible, affordable and - quite simply - better. The TechMed Event is about the latest technical medical developments. And most of all, it’s about creating impact together. Inspiration, collaboration and clinical practice are at the core of this event organised by the Technical Medical Centre (University of Twente) and part of the MedTech Twente Week from 2 to 4 November in collaboration with partners of the MedTech Cluster Twente.

The TechMed Event brings together leading stakeholders such as clinical partners, business relations, researchers, investors, talented students and other organisations. You will get informed and inspired about the latest scientific insights, new innovations and unique technological solutions that will transform healthcare for the benefit of all of us. We believe that curiosity, collaborative research and innovation help to create, discover and set out advances to improve the patient's journey. Customize your programme, connect with stakeholders and get inspired by presentations on the future of healthcare.

The TechMed Event 2022 is organized by the TechMed Centre institute of the University of Twente, in close collaboration with various members of the MedTech Twente cluster (World Trade Center Twente; Novel T; Oost NL and Kennispark Twente).

Start date
End date

TechMed Centre, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands