
How to apply

Before you apply for financing it is good to know the procedure. Please find all the different stages of the application process below.

1. The preparation

  • Start at the beginning and make sure that you have a clear understanding of your needs.
  • Compare your needs with the possibilities and conditions of the new establishment loan.
  • Draft a business plan.

2. The application

Once you have decided your financial needs, we would like to receive your business plan with accompanying information. See contact information below.

3. Financing discussion

During this first discussion you are introduced to one of Oost NL’s investment managers. Your application will be discussed, together with the loans possibilities and the evaluation process. Also, you will be asked for any missing information. Your investment manager will be your fixed contact person for the financing application. 

4. The assessment period

When all the information is assembled and your application is in agreement with the possibilities of the loan for new establishments, the investment manager will make an investment proposal and, together with the business plan and accompanying information, will present it for internal decision-making.

5. Response

Your investment manager will inform you of the response period. Possibly, further questions may be asked during this period. If we find no objections, a quotation for the loan agreement will be worked out. If your application is not (immediately) approved upon, we will contact you for further discussion.

6. Signing your loan agreement

You will receive a loan agreement. To finalise the application, all data and documents need to be checked by you. Is everything in order and are you in agreement? Then, we will make an appointment for the signing of the loan agreement. At that point, also the term during which you have access to the funds is discussed.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us.