
Orthros Looking to The Green East for Solutions for Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is a frequently occurring disease caused by aging, obesity, sport injuries and/or hereditary influences. It is a form of arthritis in which joint cartilage deteriorates. Some 1,000,000 people in the Netherlands are suffering from this disease. In addition, it is an affliction not only for humans but also for housepets; some 300,000 dogs, for example, in the Netherlands alone.


It was long thought that osteoarthritis was incurable, but Orthros Medical has quality experimental data to prove otherwise.

In the coming years, Orthros Medical will be focusing on stopping the development of osteoarthritis and reducing the sufferer’s pain. In addition, Orthros Medical will be developing second-generation products that appear to repair damaged cartilage in knee joints. This development is based on llama-derived variable antibodies.

Orthros will be working on these developments in the recently-established innovation center The Green East, located in Raalte, the Netherlands.

Oost NL worked with Orthros Medical and The Green East in establishing initial contact and giving advice regarding establishing a location. In addition, Oost NL was instrumental in helping Orthros Medical with a subsidy application. Lastly, they are looking into the possibility of direct investment through Oost NL’s Capital business unit.

(*) Orthros Medical was formed by scientists from various disciplines at the University of Twente, the University of Utrecht, and the company QVQ. Together they have discovered that llama-derived variable antibodies can spotlight specific recognizable markers for the causes of osteoarthritis. By concentrating on these markers it is possible to delay development of osteoarthritis and reduce associated pain.